Lactation & Parent Resource Spaces

In an effort to provide a supportive and welcoming environment, we are continuing to grow the number of lactation and parent resources spaces across our campuses. Below is a list of the currently identified rooms that are available for use by faculty, staff, students, and campus visitors. Individuals are responsible for providing breast pumps, accessories, and nursing pillows. Most rooms remain locked and require contacting a designated person. Each room is private and has a chair, table, electrical outlets, and a sink either in the room or close by.

Additional space is available as needed if these spaces do not meet your needs. Please reach out to us at or use the Pregnancy Accommodation Request Form.


CampusBuildingContact PersonNotes
ArmstrongSolms Hall,
Room 212
Nihan Agacli Dogan:
Office of Adult & Online Learning
ArmstrongStudent UnionElizabeth Duncan:
Hallway between the Ogeechee Theatre and President’s Dining Room. Remains locked.
ArmstrongHealth Professions Academic Building, Room 147Open for use and is labeled “Lactation Room.” Located on the first floor. Walk to the central hallway and elevator. Follow the hall down until you see the room. It is on the corridor with public restrooms after the simulation labs.
StatesboroInterdisciplinary Academic Building (IAB), Room 1023Dr. Lisa Costello:
Parent Resource Room & Lactation Space in the Women’s Gender and Sexuality Studies program.
StatesboroRussell UnionService Desk:
(912) 478-0441
Individuals who need a space may see the service desk to ask for a room to use.
StatesboroForest Drive Building, Room 1306Urkovia Andrews:
Located in the Student Wellness & Health Promotion Suite. Look for signs directing you to the location.

Additional Resources

Below are additional parenting and lactation resources that may be helpful for you.

How to Keep Your Breast Pump Clean

How to Clean, Sanitize, and Store Infant Feeding Items

Proper Storage and Preparation of Breast Milk

La Leche League International

U.S. Breastfeeding Committee

Last updated: 1/9/2025
