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College of Behavioral and Social Sciences Internships

  • Buckeye Language Network Summer Research Program – The Language Sciences Research Lab is running a 10-week PAID summer research program for undergraduate students interested in LANGUAGE. Deadline: Feb 21st
  • NSF REU Site: Research Institute in Sociology and Social Inequality – Description – Our REU Summer Institute “Research Institute in Sociology and Social Inequality” gives undergraduate students the opportunity to gain a better understanding of the patterns, nature, causes, and consequences of social disparities through hands-on participation in research projects supervised by leading faculty researchers. The program is supported by the National Science Foundation for the purpose of promoting undergraduate experiences in social science research. Application Opening Soon
  • UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH ALABAMA – The Bioarchaeology of Bronze Age Social Systems NSF-REU Site supports the training of undergraduate students in conducting collaborative research– from hypothesis formation to data collection, analysis, public outreach, and publication. Complementary instruction in professional development, ethics, and statistical modules are also incorporated in the program’s curriculum. Deadline: February 12
  • Yale: Canine Cognition Center – The REU program is supported by an award from the U.S. National Science Foundation (Award #1659085) to Yale University as part of the Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program. The REU program has both scientific and societal benefits integrating research and education. The broad goal of the Comparative and Developmental Origins of Social Cognition REU Site is to provide students from under-represented backgrounds with joint training in developmental and comparative psychology research. Students will gain experience investigating the origins of human social cognition from two different but related perspectives: developmental studies testing human children’s social understanding and comparative studies examining social cognition in domesticated dogs. The REU is coordinated by Psychology professors Dr. Laurie Santos and Dr. Yarrow Dunham. Deadline: February 29
  • SURF – Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship: UC Irvine’s Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) program offers undergraduate and master’s diversity students an opportunity to work closely with faculty mentors on research projects and provides an intense course of graduate preparation workshops. The program, which is designed for students who plan to pursue a Ph.D. or M.F.A. degree and enter academic careers, provides the tools needed to facilitate application, admission, and enrollment to graduate school. The SURF program is open to virtually all academic fields at UC Irvine. Qualified students with interest in pursuing their graduate program at UC Irvine are especially encouraged to apply. Deadline Feb 5

Last updated: 1/17/2019